What Clients are Saying

Oshkosh, NE
"I turned to Sara after not knowing where to go after trying to "be healthy" on my own with no lasting results. I knew who Sara was personally, and felt I could trust her and that she wasn't just trying to sell me on something for her benefit, as many health programs seem to be. I trusted her background, her integrity, and most importantly she is a believer of Jesus Christ who incorporates her faith in her program.
I came to Sara in hopes that she could help me not only feel better but learn how to make a lifestyle change. She did way more than I ever anticipated! Not only did I lose 26 pounds (mind blowing to me!) but I gained so much knowledge about food, how my body functions, and how my mental health ties into all of it! I love how Sara uses videos to explain every phase of her program. I'm a visual and hands-on learner, and this was extremely helpful. Her program is not one size fits all, she works with you and finds what works and what doesn't. I looked forward to the weekly calls with her as she is so encouraging when you feel like you failed. I also appreciated her sharing her knowledge about brands of foods and where to get them, she definitely is my go to on any food questions! She has helped me to lead a healthier lifestyle that has not only benefited me, but my family as well. It really has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and my family."
12-Week Client who lost her goal of 15 lbs on the Metabolic Reset Method
"Now that I have worked all the way through the program, I am so pleased with the results. I sleep through the night. I am able to eat without any bloating and abdominal pain. I have a whole new list of foods that I can eat without any digestive repercussions! My metabolism began to work again and I have been able to consistently drop weight while never feeling hungry. My bi-weekly migraines are a thing of the past. I no longer take a nap on my lunch break. One of the most unexpected results of this program was that the outside third of my eyebrows grew back in after at least a dozen years of them being gone! I was shocked! Also, my hair, which has long been quite dry and brittle is regaining its shine and integrity too! I can’t recommend this program enough!"
12 Week Metabolic Reset Method Client who had great results from improving her gut health!
"Before Sara’s program, I felt very sluggish and run down. I was hungry all the time and was really hard on myself. I was also dealing with itching. It’s hard to explain. There wasn’t a rash or anything so doctors were saying it was due to change in soaps, lotions or detergents but nothing had changed at my house.
Sara provided me with so much information and she had a good idea of what was going on with me. She showed me what I needed to do and was helpful along the way. I feel great and I am down 15 lbs. I hardly ever have cravings anymore and the itching has stopped!
I would absolutely recommend Sara to others. She is down to earth, REAL, and has the best heart. Phone calls with her always made my week and would put me in the right mind frame to have success! She doesn’t just mask the issues that are going on in your body. She gets to the root of the problem and makes you feel incredible. AND..She loves pizza and beer!! You can’t go wrong with a coach like that!"
3 Month Program Client
"I was excited when I met Sara through the pharmacy, and she listened to my concerns of dealing with Diabetes. She guided me toward nutrition choices to stop the up and down of my blood sugar readings. I enjoyed our talks and her knowledge. I got my blood sugars under control, felt 90% healthier and have continued to use this knowledge to maintain and have lost weight too. I now reside in an Assisted Living facility and am so glad I had Sara to teach and guide me to better health. Sara is a trained, professional, and extremely knowledgeable health care provider. Thank you Sara, you have made my life fuller."

York, NE
"Sara's program was my birthday present to myself this year. I just finished 12 weeks with her, working on food sensitivities, gut health, and weight loss. I have lost over 16 pounds and my clothes are fitting so much better. Shopping and getting dressed is fun again. But more than that, I have gone from feeling sick a LOT, to virtually never feeling sick and my energy levels and motivation are way up. Sara stuck with me through all the ups and downs, gently encouraging, and I trust in her expertise. I have a long ways to go yet. I haven't done this program perfectly--at all! I have a lot of room for improvement, but now I have the tools. I can't recommend her enough"
Virtual Class Client
"I am down 30 lb because of Sara's guidance. For years, I bounced between diets, fads, and exercise with little to no results. It was discouraging, and I didn't know what health advice to follow because there is so much out there. This is where Sara comes in. I took a chance on her virtual class and trusted her expertise about foods to eat to fuel my body properly, portion sizes, and keeping blood sugar steady. Finally results! Now I know exactly what I need to do to keep myself and my family moving toward health. It's no longer abstract. I love that I can get everything I need from the local grocery store and that most the time are family is eating real food. That is good for our bodies. I wish everyone could enroll in Sara's virtual class. It is effective and realistic. Thank you, Sara."
Metabolic Reset Method Client who lost 20 lbs in 12 weeks by improving her gut health
"Thanks so much Sara for everything! You have helped me so much in so many ways, and I have never had results like this ever before! Your program is the real deal!"
Health Coaching Clients using the “Get Healthier Together” Couples Program
"I have dropped 14 lbs and my husband has dropped 20. I have cut my insulin dosage in half and hope to get completely off of it!
The best part was my hemoglobin A1c dropped 3 points in 4 months time!
Our provider was very encouraged by the results that my husband and I have had! We even reduced our number of prescription medications!!!
Thank you for all you did to get us on the right track!"

Valentine, NE
"I yo-yo dieted for years. I always thought I knew what I needed to do and how to take some weight off and I would be successful with seeing 10, maybe 15 pounds lost, for it to return faster than I lost it and gradually gain more each time. I started noticing some changes with my cycle too and was accepting it all as normal and just what I'd have to deal with as I age, until I was put on a medication that caused even more complications.
I was feeling like I was at rock bottom and doctors didn't even know what to do or how to help me. I was getting tired of trying just another medication that maybe helped one thing, but still wasn't getting to the root. I knew of Sara and her expertise as a pharmacist and how all those things I was now on would be affecting my body, but how she had left her career with medicine to help others more naturally through healthy food choices and not just another medication. I felt like I could trust her to help me without just pushing another pill. She listened to my situation and dug into helping me detox from all the crud that doctors had thrown at me, and she helped me change my mindset toward foods too.
I didn't start my journey with Sara as a weight loss benefit, but I saw pounds leave and stay off. I experienced my relationship with food change, my energy levels and mood improve, and received the tools to stay on track or get back on track easily. As a Christian, I also love how Sara ties our relationship and focus on God as a key benefit to our health too. I'm thankful for her accountability and continued support even after going through her program. She's always still available and willing to answer questions, share her knowledge, offer support, and encourage through messages, calls, or her Facebook page."
Husband and wife doing amazing with the Couples Program - Down 27 lbs total in only 2 months!
"Sara has been a blessing for us! My husband and I have been on a roller coaster of trying to get healthy and lose weight. We thought we knew what we were doing eating "healthy" foods, turns out there is so much to know that we didn't know. Sara is easy to work with and my husband says "she doesn't lecture me when I have a setback." We have lost weight and have new energy levels and overall better health for both of us."
Metabolic Reset Method Client who lost over 20 lbs in 12 weeks while improving her gut health
"I didn’t realize until after starting the program, how bad I had felt for years. I was diagnosed with a severe case of Hashimotos and insulin resistance. I had no energy, was considered obese and had constant joint and muscle pain.
After joining Sara’s program I learned so much. I couldn’t help but watch all the videos as soon as I could and over and over. I felt like I knew most everything there was to know about nutrition and Hashimotos but I only knew the bare minimum before my sessions with Sara.
Her kind and soft approach was exactly what I needed along with her positivity and encouragement. I was able to lose weight, improve mobility and gained so much energy from the health changes she helped me make.
I 110% recommend Sara to anyone needing guidance in their health journey!"
Health Coaching Client
"I've lost 20+ lbs and I have way more energy. I'm less frustrated with my kids and I just feel better!"

O'Neill, NE
"I have been an avid health enthusiast and endurance athlete for over two decades. As I became an older, menopausal woman, I discovered I was stuck in a pattern of using "expired" nutrition and wellness information. The past several years, I was on a hamster wheel in my health and mindset. Still trying to use my lifestyles that once fitted me fine in my twenties and thirties left me bloated, fatigued, moody and frustrated. Even though I have remained active and was eating healthy foods, the symptoms were only getting worse.
I began the journey in a strong mindset that it was time to be open to a new way of thinking about what healthy eating looked like and my fitness health. For me, I knew even though my blood work always came back "good" something did not feel "right" for me. The program was personalized to what I was seeking out from the program, along with finding out what it felt like to feel great again! It was not easy to change after decades of habits, but I stayed committed to Sara's knowledge and support that helped me work through each stage of the program. My goal has and always will be to be proactive in my health, adding Sara to my life gave me the PERFECT ingredient I was missing to create my best self in mind, body and spirit.
I was fortunate enough to know Sara on a personal level and knew her credentials from her past life as a pharmacist and her new calling and credentials as a certified health coach, my heart felt she had something to offer me that I was not able to provide to myself. After my initial consultation with Sara, I knew she was exactly what I needed! I had a solid foundation of health knowledge and applied a lot of those principles to my everyday life, but it wasn't till I started Sara's program and was able to break down each system I was experiencing into microscopic levels that my healing started to begin. After sticking to the program for several months, the small, but important changes in my dietary and mindset started the healing process to occur on the cellular level.
If you are reading this and at a point in your life you are READY to invest in yourself, Sara with Nourish is the solution. The self-love obtained from following a program that is centered around research, faith, support, and processes is PRICELESS. Is being your best self easy; absolutely NOT, but the return in your self investment rewards itself immeasurable. I continue to use the tools Sara provided me during the program daily and allow myself grace, patience and most importantly the faith required to get me through each season of my life moving forward."
Virtual Class Client who lost 14 lbs in 6 weeks!
"Sara, I absolutely loved the classes. You have changed the way I look at food. This is a total lifestyle change. I was searching for what my body needs to have to be healthy. Throughout this class I have learned what I need to do as a whole to figure out what will work for me. I really don't look at this as a diet. I think it's just what I need to do to feel good and eat right (win win)!!!!"
Health Coaching Client
"I highly recommend Sara Paxton regarding any questions about your health!! Sara genuinely wants to help get you back on track and feeling the best you can! I had sought out several medical opinions before being referred to Sara with no luck and felt like I was getting nowhere. She listened, helped make a plan to fit my lifestyle, and was awesome support with my health journey!!"
Cancer Coaching Client
"Sara is so encouraging and gives hope and empowerment. She is constantly researching and learning information for my specific case. I am so grateful for her guidance and knowledge."

Meadow Grove, NE
"In 2017, I started to have stomach pain, bleeding, and bloating. I really got concerned when I had to start seeing a hematologist for high platelet levels. After a few years of trying to manage my pain, I reached out for medical advice.
I found Sara by researching functional medicine and reached out to her for help. After working with her closely on lifestyle changes, my platelets have gotten back to normal range, I no longer have stomach pain, and my thyroid meds have been lowered.
Making a forever lifestyle change has been huge for me and my health. Sara continues to answer questions I might have and seems to genuinely cares about her patients.
I am forever grateful."
Thermography Client
"I highly recommend Sara's services to anyone needing help with their health journey. Sara is a highly educated professional and her knowledge of the human body and its function is remarkable. Sara continuously goes above and beyond for her patients, and is one of the most caring and compassionate persons you will ever meet. She is definitely one of the best!"
Cancer Coaching Client
"I want to thank Sara for her guidance and help in my recent encounter with health issues and cancer. She is definitely a professional in her field and I consider her a dear friend too. She is honest, compassionate and very very knowledgeable. She really really cares and answered all my worries and questions. I highly recommend Sara and I appreciate her following up with me and keeping in touch. What a genuine health care professional with so much wisdom and Love for her patients and family. God Bless her for her passion in what she does. Thank you Sara, you are a God-send!"
Health Coaching Client
"I highly recommend Sara Paxton regarding any questions about your health!! Sara genuinely wants to help get you back on track and feeling the best you can! I had sought out several medical opinions before being referred to Sara with no luck and felt like I was getting nowhere. She listened, helped make a plan to fit my lifestyle, and was awesome support with my health journey!"

Atkinson, NE
"In the Fall of 2022, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Surgery was required and one lymph node had cancer cells in it so radiation was recommended. Six weeks of radiation were completed on March 1, 2023. At the time of completion of radiation, medications were recommended to prevent further cancer growth and to help prevent bone loss. Up to that point in my life, I had never taken medications for long term. I realized that even with the medications, there were no guarantees that I would remain cancer free. I decided that if I couldn’t prevent cancer from coming back, I could certainly become a “healthier me,” and that is when I contacted Sara.
I inquired about her program, told her my story, and shared my goals of “just getting healthier”. Weight loss was not my main focus, but eating healthier and how to achieve it was where here knowledge lay. I realized there were changes I would need to make in my eating habits and general lifestyle, but my goal was to give my body the best chance to fight cancer and other diseases.
Sara’s module program fit what I was looking for. The modules were bite size, and I could take them at my own pace. Some were harder to adapt to than others, but the information printouts, resources, and encouragement from Sara were invaluable. The weekly calls kept me on the right track.
Thank you, Sara, for your investment in my health journey. I have more energy than before my diagnosis. I have lost body mass and now the weight is starting to come off. I’m even thinking about a reset this fall; there is just so much in her program that I would like to implement all I can to stay healthy!"
Health Coaching Client
"Sara is easy to talk to and really listened to me explain how I had been feeling. She helped me make a detailed plan of the daily changes I needed to make to my diet. It has really helped my gut feel better and help get my energy back the natural way."
Virtual Class Client who lost 11 lbs in 6 weeks and is still going strong!
"The course helped me really think about the foods I eat and using food as fuel. It taught me to read labels to make better choices. My biggest win was learning to deal with stress without turning to chocolate and Mtn Dew to cope with it. Another big win was fitting into jeans I hadn’t put on in 4 months!"
Columbus, NE
"I reached out to Sara at the beginning of the year because I wanted to lose some weight for my daughter’s wedding and feel healthier. My husband also joined me in the program for free (bonus, and he does all the cooking so I needed him on board!). During my time with her, I had a doctor’s appointment and was being placed on medications that I did not feel right taking, and now I didn’t just want to lose a few pounds but also wanted to improve my health through good nutrition to avoid medications. I’ve never been overweight, but while working with Sara I didn’t realize how much my body really needed to go through this program and change! My husband and I support each other in a healthier lifestyle and keep each other accountable. While working with Sara, I’ve met my goal weight and avoided all medications! My doctor is super impressed and says he is now a cheerleader for my continued progress. My body feels amazing and stronger than ever. We feel so blessed by Sara and her support!"
Broken Bow, NE
"In 2022, I contacted Sara. After an honest conversation over my health concerns, I decided to commit to a lifestyle of healthy living. I needed to look at my eating habits, sugar levels, food intake, food choices and the extra weight I was putting on every year. After my conversation with Sara, I looked at my relationship with food in a new way. I have lowered my sugar intake and sugar cravings, I read labels, have new healthy ways to fuel my body and use/learned different techniques for eating habits! I am committed to working on a sustainable healthy lifestyle. Sara continues to be a huge part of my success and accountability. She truly cares about her clients and our HEALTH!!!"